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Actico Cohesive Short Stretch Bandage 12cm x 6m

$18.43 (inc Tax) $15.36 (exc Tax)
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Actico Cohesive Short Stretch Bandage 12cm x 6m
200.00 Grams
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Product Description

 What are Actico bandages?


Actico® inelastic compression bandages are clinically proven to help your leg ulcer healand/or treat swollen ankles and legs.

The bandages are compression bandages, which means they ‘squeeze’ your limb.

The gentle squeezing pushes the body fluids (either/or blood and lymph) back to where they need to go.

Actico bandages will reduce swollen ankles and legs and help any wound to heal.

Actico® for legs

  • Leg ulcers(a wound on the leg which has not healed after several weeks) are surprisingly common
  • Up to 1% of adults in the UK will have one at sometime in their lives
  • Swollen legs and ankles are equally common, either with or without a leg ulcer
  • The swelling is made up of lymph fluid, which is unable to drain back into the lymphatic system

Actico® for arms

  • Swelling of the arm results from lymph fluid which is unable to drain back into the lymphatic system as well as it should
  • Arm lymphoedema affects 1 in 4 people, to different degrees, who have received some form of treatment for breast cancer.
  • This is the most common cause of arm swelling, but lymphoedema can result from other types of cancer.
  • Lymphoedema can also be a condition you are born with - resulting from defects in the lymphatic system.

What will Actico® bandages feel like?

They will feel firm, but comfortable.

They will feel firmer when you are up and about, or moving your calf muscle.

They feel less firm when you are lying down or in bed, so that you are able to have a comfortable night’s sleep.

If your entire leg is swollen, the whole leg will be bandaged. This may seem a bit bulky at first, but it is the most effective way of reducing swelling - normally producing fast results.


How long will I need to wear Actico bandages on my leg?

Normally the bandage will be worn for a week at a time until the leg ulcer heals.This usually takes about 3 or 4 months.

If your limb is swollen, Actico® bandages can reduce swelling very quickly. Therefore your healthcare professional may change your bandages more frequently to start with.

How long will I need to wear Actico® bandages on my arm?

This varies depending on the amount and nature of the swelling. Your practitioner will advise on this. The bandages are generally used for a short period of time, prior to wearing an ActiLymph® armsleeve.


Providing your normal footwear fits, it is beneficial to keep mobile as this will help your ulcer to heal more quickly.

Remember the importance of elevating your legs when sitting .

Normal shoes may not fit whilst wearing whole leg bandages. Talk to your nurse about this, as obtaining appropriate outdoor shoes will help you to go out and about.

Tips for all Actico® wearers

  • The bandages should not get wet. Waterproof bandage protectors are available and you may wish to discuss this with your practitioner.
  • Keep the bandages on. Do not remove or fiddle with them, as this will reduce their effectiveness.
  • The bandage should feel firm, but comfortable. If it feels painful or slips down, contact your nurse immediately.
  • To assist blood and lymph flow - elevate your affected limb whenever you can, ideally above your heart level.
  • Avoid elevating your bandaged arm above heart level for long periods as this may make your shoulder ache.


What next?

Actico® bandages are the first step to heal any wounds or to reduce swelling. Once this has been achieved to ensure your arm or leg remains healthy, compression garments such as ActiLymph® are normally worn.

These garments are made from state-of-the-art, lightweight fabrics, with many wearers forgetting they have them on.

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